I started treatment today at the center in St Cloud. I've never seen a practise that is entirely dedicated to Scoliosis. It makes me excited and uneasy at the same time. The first thing they did was take lots of tests - standard Xrays, digital motion xrays (me moving at the same time - totally weird!), height, muscle tests, balance tests, history of habits etc etc.
The verdict is on the photo attached - a 57 degree cobb angle to the right and 37 degrees back to the left. Apparently I'm a 'complex' case and the challenge seems exciting to them. I have a stress fracture from when I fell when I was younger and my left hip is 1.1 cm higher than the other when I sit, and 2.1 cms higher than the other when I stand (caused by the scoliosis curve).
I'm what's considered an 'opposite' because I curve the opposite way to most people (90% of cases curve to the left - I'm not sure why) and I'm an 'S' curve not a 'C' which is pretty obvious by the xray. Today was a big day and seeing all this right in front of me meant that I couldn't deny it anymore and it was going to take alot of commitment by me to make this work.
Dr Woggon who started the Clear Institute 10 years ago is the most knowledgeable person I have ever met when it comes to scoliosis. His other patients agree, and the results prove it. The hardest part is giving all my trust to someone I have hardly met.
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